Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I think my blood counts are teasing me!

On Monday my Hemoglobin and Platelet counts were a little higher than expected.
I never take the numbers as gospel because there is a large margin of error, as I've found out in the past when I've been told I had a high count only to be countered by a very low count the next time when we haven't transfused.

So today's counts were awaited with some trepidation. If they were still higher than expected then maybe they were recovering. I need to see a continuous trend before I get too excited.
Today they were slightly up again. Or should I say not as low as expected.

I'm approaching Fridays counts now with a tiny degree of optimism. If there is in fact an upward trend and it continues, it means a lot. Firstly that my marrow is slowly recovering and that the Gemcitabine hasn't been a waste of time. That then opens doors to add other chemotherapys to the mix.
It also means that if I can produce my own blood I won't be in hospital three days a week getting transfusions. My quality of life will improve significantly.

Certainly in the past my marrow has taken considerably longer than the norm to recover from chemo. This may well be the case again this time. I live in hope.

I'll hold my breath until Friday and post an update.

Keep those fingers crossed for me.. it might just be the edge I need!


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