Monday, August 27, 2012

Up and down

It's been a hard couple of days, the high strength Dexamethasone steroid is now out of my system but it really makes you feel ill as you come down off it. Way worse than anything I've had with prednisone weening.

I had that really great day on Friday where all my vital signs were normal and I felt really well.
I haven't been so lucky since. Although my body temp has stabilised at a normal figure and my itch has almost completely gone, something I'm very pleased about.

I am however plagued by stomach aches and a feeling of being poisoned. All quite normal chemo side effects. Oh and the enlarged lymph nodes in my groin have reduced in size. Which is promising.

How much of all this to do with steroids and how much is chemo I can't say. Tomorrow is another chemo day but no steroid this time so I'll be able to get some idea of what's happening later in the week.


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