Friday, August 24, 2012

Gemcitabine Cycle 1: Day 3

It's like Alice in Wonderland today.
I have the most unusual observation stats since January 2010.
My fevers have totally gone, In stead of running even a normal body temp of say 36.8C I'm chillin out at around 35.5 and feel totally comfortable. No need for panadol or nurofen to keep it under control and damage my liver.

My oxygen saturation which has been as low as mid 80's, where most people are 97-99, is today sitting on 97-98 with no external oxygen support.

But the biggest surprise is my heart rate. It's been banging along at 115-130 (at rest) for over two years now.
Today I managed to idle at 60bpm until I got excited when I saw the reading and it popped up to a still completely normal 70bpm. The two units of whole blood today will have helped there too.

I'm guessing that it's all possibly temporary and due to the high power Dexamethasone steroid I've been on since Tuesday. I don't want to get my hopes up about anything. However Dr D'Souza was very impressed with the stats and couldn't say for sure whether they were from the chemo or the steroid. I'll find out over the next few days as today was the last day on Dex. If every returns to it's normal, abnormal mayhem then we shall know it's all just steroid induced.

Wonderful though to have a heart rate that doesn't rev like a 2-stroke lawnmower for once. A body temp that's rock solid normal and some oxygen getting to my muscles!

A good news day! May there be many more!!   ..Ron

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you!!

Love Ravn.