Wednesday, August 15, 2012

and still waiting...

They now tell me that I'll be getting me PICC line put in on Monday followed by the first cycle of Gemcitabine chemo on Tuesday. Almost two weeks behind schedule. I hope I can keep it all together till then, I been taking Lorazepam to help calm me down and help me sleep. It certainly helps me sleep! not sure if it does much for to relax me from this wired feeling. I tried an antihistamine today, didn't work.

Sarah and I got out and about in the Evo on Saturday. It was a nice sunny day and I was feeling good due to having two units of blood the day before.
I learnt that the tyres on the Evo need replacement. They are full tread and look brand new but are seven years old and have gone hard and have very little grip. I wonder how many people realise that tyres have a shelf life?

The new ones arrived today, very expensive!. I was lucky in that Sarah and I arrived back at the tyre shop before he had finished fitting the tyres and I noticed that one of the tyres was not round. It had about 6mm of run-out (wobble) when being spun on the balancing machine. I pointed it out to the manager and he agreed to order in a replacement for tomorrow. Had I not seen it I'd have had a shake in the car that just wouldn't go away.

Stopped off to take a pic on the way home from our drive around South Wairarapa.

Till next week...  Ron

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