Friday, April 6, 2012

Adcetris: The second cycle Day 18

I had the surgery on my elbow on Tuesday afternoon. I regret not having the forethought to video it. Dr Stu cut a large almond shaped section out, about 40mm long. There's seven or eight stitches. I'll be leaving them in as long as possible to ensure that the skin knits properly this time.

I must have stressed the wound somehow on Wednesday because it wouldn't stop bleeding until Thursday morning, soaking two lots of dressings and leaking onto the bedsheets. That reminds me... I must check my blood counts!
I got a blood test on Thursday just in case my platelets are low. I'm sure someone would have phoned if they were.  ;)

No problems with any side effects of adcetris at this stage of the cycle. It seems a shame to be going from feeling really good to feeling fairly crappy again after I get the third cycle on Tuesday afternoon, but it's a small price to pay in the scheme of things. I've been feeling so good lately that people have commented on it. There seems to be a real spring in my step. I'm no longer hobbling around like an old man.

The lump on my jaw however does bother me, it might be getting bigger it's hard to say.. I should really measure it I guess. It feels like It's about 12-15mm.
I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning, hopefully that will isolate what it is or isn't. I'll post what results I can glean from the technician.

Last night I attended the Hutt Valley Motorsport Club's annual prize-giving. I was pleasantly surprised to take away four trophies, I was expecting just one.
I won the K.M Archer Cup for fastest time of the day at Hillclimbs, The Debreceney Cup for sealed events over 2000cc, The Freeman's cup for best results at hillclimbs and the Regal Jewellery Cup for fastest time of the day at Mount Victoria hillclimb.

Not bad when you consider that I spent a great deal of last year in hospital, was pretty much an invalid and missed several events as a result! To say I'm pleased would be an understatement!  :)


1 comment:

ggggnz said...

Wow! Congratulations Ron!