Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas :)

Gosh Christmas Eve already! Where did this year go? Spent sitting in a hospital bed me thinks.
2011 was not a good year for me, in fact probably not a good year for New Zealand or a good many other places in the world. Here's hoping 2012 will more than make up for it.

It's been nearly three weeks since I last posted. In that time I've been chemo free and relatively energetic.
Although my energy levels seem to be waning again now, and I cough a lot when I exert myself.
There's been no progress on a schedule for treatment with Adcetris. I would have thought that I would have heard from the oncologist by now and some sort of plan laid out.

I'll be making some phone calls once the holiday break is over and trying to get some answers.
My main concern is that I feel slightly symptomatic. There's a slight occasional ache in my lower pelvis where the lymph node biopsy was taken a few months back, I itch a lot, cough more and still run at least two low grade fevers every day. (sub 38C) So as you can imagine I'm very keen to start treatment.

My blood counts are OKish, haemaglobin is a little low at 104 (normal range 130-175) which would explain the lack of energy. I will have one more blood test next Wednesday and if my counts are stable then I'll have my PICC line removed from my arm. That will be good, means we can fire up the spa-pool and I can enjoy a long soak with a low alcohol beer or two. :)

I found a post from a woman who's son was treated with Adcetris following several unsuccessful chemo regimes. He is now in remission, although she hasn't given the full time frame it's still good to hear stories about other Hodgkin's Lymphoma patients who have had positive results on the drug.

I've been working in my workshop again for the first time since May. Only slowly and in short bursts but I've got a lot done on the car that's been there for most of this year. Slowly getting all the upgrades the customer requested. Luckily he is in no hurry to get it back and the longer it sat there the more things he thought of to get done.

There's now just a few plywood panels to install in the new garage, and a few electrical fittings to connect and it will be ready to be signed off by the council. My father in law has been helping us with that when he can, which is good because I can't man-handle the plywood sheets. :)
However I must say I am a lot more stable on my feet than I've been for some time. I no longer feel like I am at constant risk of falling over, So I must be building some new muscle. My weight is just a tad under 70kg, about 5-8kg under my ultimate goal weight. That won't be achieved until I'm cancer free and off the steroids.

I've set a goal of competing at the "Port Road Sealed Sprint" on Jan 22nd in the Evo and have purchased some new "Federal" brand race tyres to that end. There's been lots of talk lately about how good these tyres are, with them now being the official tyre for Targa competition. A friend of mines son Daniel has used his contacts to get me a set at a very good price, so I am looking forward to testing them on the tight Seaview road circuit. Hopefully I won't be as rusty behind the wheel as I've been at the last two events I've competed in. ;)

Well That's enough from me!
Wishing everyone a great Christmas and New Year Break and that 2012 brings all that you hope for.!  Take care ..Ron

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry xmas from Ravn in Norway :)