Friday, November 4, 2011

Another Chemo day

I've been slowly improving as of late. I had to take the long view to realise it because most days I feel like crap.
However I can now see that there's been a big improvement over the last few weeks. It's one thing to say I feel like crap and have no energy because I get tired walking to the fridge. Then it's another to say I feel like crap because I got tired walking to the letter box and back. (My letter box is 150metres away up a steep gravel driveway).

Anyway yesterday I felt pretty good and today I feel even better. However I've just returned from the hospital, having had my vinorelbine palliative chemotherapy. So tomorrow and for the next two weeks I'm expecting to feel pretty "average" as my blood counts drop and then recover.

I'm still having low-grade fevers and sweats (although no true night sweats) and my skin itches like crazy. I still cough when exerting myself or when there's a change in room temperature.

Today I spoke with another of the haematology doctors and he lamented that it was a shame that Brentuximab (Adcetris) was not an option. I quickly told him that I thought it was and that I had the money to pay for it as soon as it was available internationally. He got quite excited by that and said he would follow it up immediately.
He did then mention that because it was a drug that was being imported privately that it would need to be administered in a private clinic such as the one he ran. Hey if it gets me treated and healthy I don't care who clips their ticket along the way.

Apparently M.D Anderson clinic in Texas charges US$40K just for pretreatment tests. Now that I would object to! So I won't be rushing off to the States any time soon for treatment.

Next hit of vinorelbine is Friday next week. After that? who knows? Hopefully there will be word on the Brentuximab.

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