Friday, October 14, 2011

Haematomas and more of the same.

I was kind of hoping that this palliative chemo would make an instant improvement in my level of comfort. So far I feel exactly the same, perhaps it's way too soon and perhaps I expect too much based on previous experiences with higher strength regimes.

I had a session of vinorelbine last Friday and another today.
I am still suffering from the low grade fevers, constant itch and fatigue. Perhaps things will improve once this second dose does it's job.

My haemoglobin and platelets are low so they gave me two units of whole blood today as well, That should perk me up a little over the weekend.
Sarah and I are planning a few days away next week so I'll be given a little extra blood mid-week to see me through to the week after. There is no chemo next week.

Last Thursday was the day they inserted the PICC line. It didn't go well.
I should have noticed that my right bicep, where the line was fitted, was very tight and swollen.
I didn't really think about it until the blood started pouring down my arm as I drove away from the hospital.
The line had leaked where it goes into the vein, filling the surrounding tissue with blood (a haematoma) and then ultimately pushing it's way out through the point where the line enters the arm.

I should have taken a picture it was a huge mess!
I returned to the day ward just as the team were leaving for the day. I became the centre of attention for a while, the nurses fussing over me, changing the dressing, only to have it leak again. Then one of the doctors suggested I be given another unit of platelets to help stop the bleeding. I didn't get home till quite late.

Today was much the same time-wise. Arrived at 8:30am and departed at 3:30pm. It all makes for a very long and tiring day.

I'm hoping for a relaxed weekend.. fingers crossed.


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