Thursday, September 15, 2011

Compassionate Funding declined.

My haematologist just phoned and postponed my meeting with him until next week.
The reason being that the drug company no longer will supply Adcetris on compassionate grounds.

Next step is for the medical panel to meet next Wednesday and put an application for exceptional case funding to Pharmac. Word on that should be back late next week or early the following week.

We are not too hopeful as the drug is so expensive, however they may ask for funding for only half a course to reduce costs and increase the chance of approval.

I made sure he understood that Sarah and I believe this drug to be my best hope and that if all else fails we are prepared to fund it ourselves.

Next Thursday we will touch base for an update and I'll be given another couple of units of whole blood as I seem to be slowly winding down energy-wise.

I've been flat out using what energy I do have to finish jobs around the house and workshop.
On Tuesday I did a wheel alignment and suspension setup on a Ferrari F430 Challenge race car.

I had a volunteer doing all the spanner work for me and I just pointed at things and told him what to do :)  (A big thank you to Glen Clemas for all his help.)

Today I'm running power cables and conduit out to the new garage. Although I might wait for the weekend to secure all the conduit, as I will have someone to hold the ladder.  :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dam - was hoping that they were going to say yep it's on it's way.
I'm free Sunday afternoon if you want any help.