Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday June 12th

It's been a good couple of days. My health has now stabilised in so much that each day is much like the one previous. Although I have had periods where I have felt ill, over-all I can't complain. I'm no longer hooked up to oxygen or have cannulas in my arm.

However the point that I have stabilised on is extremely low. I can only walk two or three metres before I need to sit down completely exhausted. My heart racing and my breathing unable to keep up, as if I'd just completed a 100M sprint. Leaning forward, turning and adjusting my pillow, as I have just found out, leads to an only slightly lower level of breathlessness and fatigue.

The problem is I have almost no haemoglobin, and with lungs that aren't processing the oxygen into my blood to start with, what little oxygen that does get in has little chance of hitching a ride to my muscles.

Good news.. My heart valves are in good shape, so that's one less thing to worry about.
CT scan shows a small pocket of air and fluid still in my chest but it's considered small enough to resolve by itself. So hopefully no chest opening and washing out for me. Brain scan revealed nothing. (The doctors drag that old chestnut out every time Ive had one done)

Tomorrow I hopefully get to see the team of specialists and find out the master plan to getting me out of here. I also hope to speak to the dietitian and ask to be put on their special menu as I have now lost 10kg and it's still dropping. The food here is terrible and BOOP has a side effect of turning off your appetite, which doesn't help.
The Hutt hospital dietitian said I could have pizza and chicken! yum.. but then they transferred me to Wellington. I've survived the weekend on chicken salads and coleslaw in a bun. If I see another plate of boiled beans and beef strog I'll throw a very violent, if not brief, tantrum!!

Sarah and I have been blown away by the support offered and given to us by family and friends. In some cases by people that I've only had a tenuous link with, such as customers and acquaintances.
We both thank you all for all that you have done, and offered to do. You have no idea how reassuring it is to know that there's a whole team of people out there covering nearly all the bases for us. 

Cheers Guys, you are legends.

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