Thursday, February 17, 2011

This can't be right?

My heart rate just won't drop. It's 110bpm just sitting here typing.
My breathing is pretty good so I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that maybe it's not lung related.
I emailed my respiratory doctor and asked him what he thought. He had no ideas, but suggested I get an ECG.

One symptom of tachycardia that I have is becoming breathless with little effort which is inversely what I'd expect from BOOP. ie heart racing due to breathlessness. Maybe I'm looking at this from the wrong end?. The problems with my heart not my lungs. ?

I'm trying to get an appointment for an ECG as soon as I can. I was going going to go for a walk tonight, but from what I've been reading that's probably not a good idea. This isn't going to get better with exercise. In fact it could be fatal.

Cortisol, thyroid and adrenaline levels will need to checked too. Shall ask for those when I get to see a doctor.

To say I'm a little frustrated would be an understatement! I just want to be well and get out and do more without breaking out in a sweat, fatigue and dizziness. Mentally my mind keeps telling me I can still run, cycle and do anything. Then I pick up a box or walk up a short flight of stairs and reality hits.

Fingers crossed for a simple fix.   Yeah right!!  ...Ron  :)

Ohh the new garage is progressing again after a week or so of no activity.
Both my architect/builder and the engineer/labourer are on extended holidays for another week so I took the liberty of getting a team of concrete placers in to do the pour of the slab today. Took them just 45 minutes. (You know there's a down-turn in the economy when your builder is an architect and the labourer is an engineer).
Once it's cured and the builder returns from holiday it should progress rapidly from there.

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