Monday, February 14, 2011

I hate drugs!

This new drug Azathioprine (Imuran) really knocks me around. I'm only on half the usual dose so we can evaluate what effect it has on my blood counts, but even so it's making me incredibly fatigued.
I spent a lot of Sunday sleeping on the couch and the rest of the time fighting to stay awake.

That's a real pain as I was hoping that it would give me a hassle-free way of weening off prednisone.
Bugger! However I still managed to go to a pistol club and fire a handgun for the first time, then fix a friends Camaro in the evening, so the day was not a total write-off

My resting heart rate is still all over the place. Ironically I got excited yesterday when it dropped to 70bpm for a while, but today it's back up to 120 again.

Woke this morning feeling like crap, and running a slight fever. Now sweating it out as I get myself organised to do a full days work. Shall see if I can muster some energy and push through this fatigue.


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