Friday, January 7, 2011

Squeaky wheel..

If there is one thing that I have learned from five years of dealings with the public health service in this country (and it possibly relates to any country for that matter) and that is that the squeaky wheel gets the oil.
If you feel you have somehow dropped off the radar or are waiting too long for a referral, an appointment, surgery or a scan. Say so!  Don't just sit around and presume that someone is on to it. They probably aren't.  People most certainly have died waiting for treatment in this country.

On Wednesday after my lung function tests I physically visited the Blood and Cancer Centre reception and voiced my concerns about the three month wait to see my Haematologist, and the overdue CT scan.

I was immediately booked in to see someone in the Haematology dept next Thursday, and by 8am the next day the radiology dept had phoned me, apologised and scheduled my CT scan for next Monday afternoon, just five days after asking. The system works, you just need to know that it needs a bit of a push start sometimes.

I'll post once I know the results of the CT.  Fingers crossed for no further growth of the enlarged lymph nodes discovered in my pelvis on the last scans..  Or better still nothing to see at all !! :)


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