Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lung Function much improved!

Well it certainly pays to take responsibility for your health and treatment.
The decision to nearly triple my prednisone last week when I noticed a sudden decline in my health and the onset of a low grade fever was the right thing to do.

Today I had a lung function test and all parameters were greatly improved over the previous test, including the all important diffusion test, which measures how well the lungs actually get oxygen into the blood. (to the respiratory techies out there..yeah I know I've over simplified that description)

Sarah and I have done the hard walk (read "grunt") to the top of our hill four times in the last five days.
It's part of the Belmont regional park network of tracks and it's a thirty minute steep walk to the top gate.
Each time I've done it it's become easier. Must be doing wonders for my heart and lungs.

I've now got a new respiratory doctor, the previous one has now moved on to another field of medicine elsewhere in the hospital. I brought the new one up to speed today and asked if he agreed with my emergency prednisone regime. He did.
What is really good is that, like me, he doesn't like me being on prednisone for so long and agrees that I need to be off it. To that end he is going to see if there is an alternative treatment we can try.

I popped up to the Blood and Cancer center after my respiratory appointment and prepared to thump the counter over my non-booked CT scan and three month delay in seeing the haematologist. I didn't have to thump.
The young lady behind the counter was most helpful, found me an appointment for next week and promised to chase up the radiology people about my scan and phone me tomorrow.

What's good there is that I can now book a private CT san if I have to and have the results back in time for next weeks appointment. It's a win-win situation. I just want to know one way or another if this darn skin itch is Hodgkins or something else. Either way I can focus on either getting treatment or relaxing.



Red Fox said...

Hi Ron, This will seem a bit weird but it really does help. About half a cup of oats in cheesecloth placed under the tap in a bath. Just leave it there while your in there. It helps settle the skin.

gollygoshgumgoo said...

fingers crossed