Monday, February 1, 2010

Life's Good!

Other than a few muscle cramps at night I seem to be completely well.

It's actually kinda strange to not be sick. It all seems normal and at the same time unusual.
An almost deja-Vue feeling. You get so used to not being able to do things, that when you can it's a novelty even when it might be something that's so familiar. For instance.. Who would have thought that being fit enough to spend a whole day painting and sanding would be cause for celebration when in reality I hate decorating!

I've been very precise with my steroid dosage and timing and it seems to make a big difference.
Previously I'd have them at various times of the morning and play with the dosage if I thought it would help my aches and pains... turns out it was the "playing" with the dosage that caused the problems!.

My weight is still climbing but not as quickly as over Christmas. I'm now about 77kg which I'm happy with. However I just need to make it spread out a bit more, as it all seems to want to sit on my stomach :(

I entered in the Port Road sealed sprint the weekend before last. Murray let me use his Rally-Rides car (a very tired Evo Lancer). It had to be one of the worst cars I've ever raced in! I complained bitterly to Muz after my first run and he thought I was joking... (he hadn't driven it on Tarmac) That was until he took it out for a drive!
He returned to the pits after his run, slammed the door, said "good luck buddy" and went back to driving his yellow beast, to ultimately take out second place.

I took my daughter Ashleigh out for most of my timed runs and we drove the wheels off the car trying to post a half decent time. It had a slipping clutch, terrible handling, poor brakes and absolutely no power! In desperation I looked under the bonnet for something to "tweak".
A bit more boost and a tad more ignition timing was all I could do.

I went out for my second timed run without a passenger, hoping that the small weight saving might help. It didn't.. but I thrashed the car within an inch of it's life and managed to post a time good enough to take out 3rd place over-all. This was very much a surprise as there were nearly sixty cars entered and good deal of them were of a much higher spec than the bucket of bolts I'd been sent out in.

The house is really rocketing along now. There's just 14 days before we move in!
This Friday (5th Feb) we are having a few drinks up at the house to celebrate it being closed in and almost habitable. Feel free to drop in after work if you are so inclined! (83 Kaitangata Crescent, Kelson. Turn left at the 'regional park' car-park and then it's the first driveway on the right)

It's been three months since Targa, and Victor and I are in the process of preparing "Thank you" gifts for our main sponsors. Loosing two months to ill health put a huge hole in our schedule.
My apologies to those that have sponsored us and feel we have just disappeared off the face of the earth. Nothing could be further from the truth.

However I really do need to sit down at some point and detail all we learnt and what we did and didn't do right. It seems so long ago, and all a bit of a haze with me being so sick at the time with both pneumonia and pneumonitis. I'm sure if I get the team together and review our videos and pics we should be able to peace together the whole story.


1 comment:

gollygoshgumgoo said...

Great blog Ron. Awesome that you are doing so well. I think the weight on stomach thing might be something more to do with age. ha ha. join the club! We'll aim to be there on Friday. Cheers, Toni and Bazza