Friday, November 6, 2009

Physical Wreck!

Now that I'm off the prednisone my body has just collapsed. The horrible chest infection/cold that was making me so sick last week on Targa is now running rampant and is not showing any sign of diminishing. The ribs still hurt and a coughing fit leaves me completely fatigued as if I'd just run a mile dash. Oh and I'm running a constant fever again. Other than that... I'm fine!

I've decided not to enter the Admiral road Hillclimb this weekend, I'm just too sick to be pedalling a bent race car up a hill at stupid speeds. I'll be away the weekend of the Shelly Bay Sprint and I've missed two rounds of the Duncan McKenzie series already due to the conflict with Targa. The Duncan McKenzie series is about consistency, you need to enter every event and the points build from there. So I won't be in the running for the trophy again this year, but hey.. I have my Targa Trophy and there's always next year! :)

I have a CT scan next Tuesday, I'm not sure that it will show much. Then again it may show a few surprises.. it's a lottery. I'll find out the results on the 17th when I meet with Dr D'Souza again.


1 comment:

Jota said...

Yay for summer on the way, no matter how we feel, sunshine makes it one step closer to better. Keep up with the positive outlook :)