Sunday, July 26, 2009

Amazing improvement in my health.

It's been eleven days since I started the prednisone and today I took the last 1/4 of a tablet.
The original prescription was for four days at 40mg and four at 20mg. However as always I had to have a wee tinker and do it my own way. As a result I'm now just finishing on 5mg. That way I shouldn't have any problems with the dreaded "coming down off steroids". Something that's been a problem in the past.

Results so far are exceptional. No fever since day 1, and the cough is completely gone as of today.
My weight is still going up, I have a healthy appetite and my energy levels are the best they have been in years.
Considering that just a few weeks ago I was so ill that I was convinced I did not have long to live, This is an amazing turn-around. I'm expecting a drop off to some degree once the steroids are out of my system but I can't see the reduction (in health) being that great.

When I had suggested that I take a course of steroids to Dr D'Souza he said that it would just cloud the picture and give no clear idea of what the problem was. If it were Hodgkins he argued the prednisone would reduce that too and we would be none the wiser as to the true nature of the problem. (constant cough and areas of concern on CT of my lungs)
However prednisone was part of the chemo regime I had back in early 2007 and that showed no effect against my lymphoma and I actually got worse. So I can't see all of my new found health being totally dependant on the prednisone.

I believe, and I'm going to know for sure in a few days, that I did in fact have the "Radiation Pneumonitis" as I suggested several months back. That the steroid has stopped the inflammation and suppressed my immune system enough to stop the fever response. By slowly easing off the prednisone I'm hoping my immune system won't over-react again. Again I'm assuming that my immune system can learn what's a problem and what is not.

If I'm right I'll be the happiest man alive, If I'm not I'll probably delete this post and pretend I never said a word
Oh I should also mention that I'm still taking 12 apricot kernels a day and 6000mg of vitamin C.
Whether they have had any part to play I have no idea. I took them because I had nothing to loose and everything to gain.

I've almost completely packed up my workshop and have sold most of the plant and equipment.
In one more week I will be unemployed. (Well as far as that's possible for me)
I've already had several job offers but if I wanted to continue working on the tools, I'd have kept my own workshop open.

The idea is to build up the Flextech side of Total Performance plus one or two other ventures I have planned. This will be much less physically demanding and give me time to work on my health with more regular exercise and less stress. The new house construction starts in two weeks so that will also demand quite a lot of my time.

It's so good to feel normal again!!!


Jota said...

Well done! Yay for not just listening to doctors. Exciting about the begining of the house building. Enjoy living life to the full :)

gollygoshgumgoo said...

Awesome results Ron. Your the man!
Cheers, Toni and Baz