Tuesday, June 23, 2009

CT Scan result..

If there's one thing I have learnt from all these medical procedures it has to be how to manipulate the system to my advantage.
I'm not due to see the hospital till next Tuesday, a full week away, But I know that my CT scan results are back and everyone knows the results but me.

So I booked in to see my GP (actually another doctor that was filling in for him) and got them that way. It makes for a confused read. The areas of concern in my lungs have resolved somewhat but there are two small 1cm nodes in my upper abdomen. 1cm is very small and would not usually ring any alarm bells, but with a history of lymphoma it's not a good thing to see on a CT.

Still no results from the lung samples... they will help fill in the complete picture as to whether it's infection or relapse. Personally I think it's looking more like relapse but I live in hope.

I started feeling quite unwell on Sunday and woke feeling like I was hung-over. I'd run a high fever during the night and woken to find my mouth and lips covered in ulcers. I've battened down the hatches for a week of pain. Does seem strange the way they just pop up like that.
It's very virus-like in the way it behaves. Even the GP I saw today couldn't recollect having seen such a case before. More medical curiosity stuff... meaningless in the big scheme of things I'm guessing.

I'll update if I hear anything new... have more blood tests today so maybe something will show.

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