Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bronchoscopy.. Updated.

I just got back from hospital and I'm supposed to be under supervision for the next 12 hours due to the effects of the anesthetic given during the procedure. Apparently it can give you short term memory loss and cause you to be a risk to yourself by doing such things as frying food and forgetting etc..

However this time round I managed to over-power the anesthetic with sheer determination and I was lucid right through the procedure, which is what I wanted. However I did fall asleep for two hours in the recovery room afterwards!

I'm actually going to pop down to work for a while and do some paperwork, so I can finish the week with a clean slate, having lost one and half days already to tests.

I didn't manage to glean any sort of useful info from the doctors doing the procedure. I asked if they had seen my last CT scan, which they had, so I'm really hoping that it was clear and that is why the bronchoscopy went ahead as they looked for other causes of my cough and fever.
Reading between the lines is not a good thing and only leads me to jump to conclusions..
Hopefully I will have the results sometime early next week.

Apparently they took two scrapings from some areas of lung that showed inflammation and then took a "wash" of saline solution to see if they can grow anything (they inject it in and then suck it out). They did say at the end that they didn't see anything that was conclusive. So at least I don't have an obvious cancerous growth in there.

Anyway it's all conjecture right now.. next week will reveal all.

Till then!

OK, so I never made it to work today. I started to run a fever and felt very chilled. The dining room where I have my computers setup was awash with the mid afternoon sun. The daybed was drenched in the sun's radiant heat. I looked at the daybed, looked down at my car keys in my hand and thought "when will I next be home at this time of day, in these conditions, and in need of so much warmth?"

I curled up on the couch and slept like a baby for hours, basking in the bone warming sun's rays.

I just measured my temperature, it's 39.5C that's a full blown fever!
Is it because I have over-heated? I don't know. I feel ok, just chilled. How today's procedure with the camera in my lung could exacerbate my low grade fever I don't know. I could understand if I had an infection and we have somehow pissed it off, but I can't see how it could possibly make a Hodgkins fever worse? I'm no doctor but I've never had a fever this high unless I had an infection.

I'll monitor it closely over the next few hours and if it stays high or I start to feel unwell I'll have to call the hospital.. bugger.

I'll update later if anything exciting happens! ;-)

...Well nothing too exciting has happened, my fever reached 40C before I took some Ibuprofen to break it. My cough has completely disappeared this evening.. very weird. It's been months since I've gone so long without coughing... feels great. Hmm but I have this incredibly loud ringing in my ears! ..face it I'm a medical curiosity!

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