Saturday, March 21, 2009

Platelets rising.. Cause for celebration!

I've just had another blood test and all my counts are up on last Wednesdays figures. My Platelets are now 24, not exactly a high count but significant in that they are not only holding their own but have gained by around 10%.

When measuring the success of a bone marrow transplant one of the significant factors is the point at which the patient gains a platelet count greater than 20. So this is a milestone in that it would appear that my stem cells have engrafted and are now producing marrow and bloods.

I've asked if I can come into Ward 1 tomorrow and have my PICC line removed. It's been in my arm now for over six weeks and it will be great to be untethered from it.

Tonight Sarah and I shall go out for dinner and celebrate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


really good news, we're all really happy for you. have a good time tonight, you deserve it!!!!! :)