Sunday, February 15, 2009


OK I have to admit that yesterday I wasn't feeling too crash hot.
It was probably the steroids again. They are part of the anti-emetic lineup, or should or say 'were'. I've ditched them. I just can't handle the awful way they make me feel. So wired and restless.

Although I did manage to get out again yesterday. Sarah came and picked me up after lunch and took me home. Once there I lay on the bed and slept, got up and had a shower before returning back here to the hospital. I tried to get as much sleep as I could as a way of hiding from the effects of the drugs. There's nothing else I can do. Reading, watching TV or going on the internet all require an attention span I sadly lack. Today is better... so far.

I met with Dr D'Souza yesterday morning and we discussed my CT results. He was very pleased with the almost clear scan. I half jokingly suggested that maybe two cycles of the IVE chemo would have been a good thing. He said he had considered it but it would have complicated things too much. One thing he did say was that he believed the chances of this treatment being successful has doubled from 25% to around 50%. Had my lymphoma continued to be chemo resistant the odds would be lower.

It's Sarah's birthday today and once again I am allowed out in the afternoon, so she is coming to pick me up and we shall celebrate in some small way.

Meantime I shall wait for the chemo to finish in another thirty minutes and hope I feel well enough to enjoy the day.

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