Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fitness level

Sarah and I went for a two hour bush walk on Sunday afternoon. We hiked up to the Korokoro dam from Cornish st in Petone. At no point did I feel tired or breathless.
I commented to Sarah that I was feeling the best I've felt in years. No aches or pains, no discomfort at all. When I think back to how sick I was when I first went to my GP four years ago complaining of joint pain, fatigue and the feeling I'd been hit by a bus when I awoke every morning.
It's incredible that with my Hodgkins spread so far from the days when it was just a lump on my neck, that I'm feeling in such good shape!

Last night I was so fired up that I jumped on the treadmill and ran for 3km's.
It was my breathing that gave out first, leaving me gasping for air but physically feeling like I could have gone a lot further. I'm hoping my lungs will improve the more I exercise.

As I was typing this I received a call on my mobile. It was a guy from the Nuclear medicine dept at Wgtn hospital. He asked that I come in on Monday for kidney function and gated heart study tests. Apparently it involves me being fitted with two IV lines, being injected with radioactive isotopes and about six hours of my time. Sounds like a fun day!

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