Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A day in Bad Tolz

If there's one tiny thing wrong with staying at the Oberland this week, it's the fact that one of the owners, Alexander, has gone away for a few days leaving his wife in charge. She can't cook.
In fact, she won't cook!. So there's no lunch or dinner until Thursday.
Breakfast was pretty basic, rather than the lavish spread we are used to at the Klinik, the hotel lays on a bowl of cornflakes for all to take a share from that would hardly feed me if I just poured some milk on it and had the whole lot. There's no toast, no fruit, not a lot of anything really. Sarah likes to have some of the really heavy bread they have here with some cheese and cold cured meat, like ham and the like.. so she's fine. I starved even after having two bowls (well small cups really) of cornies. Roll on Thursday!

We took a walk down to the information center and asked about how we might get to see some of the Castles. But apparently it would involve a bus to Bad Tolz, a train to Munich and then another to some far flung town, then another bus and a 30 minute walk. I think we will pass on the Castle of Ludwig the II for now. It does look pretty though!

So we didn't get to see this magnificent Castle..

What we did decide to do was catch the bus to Bad Tolz, the nearest large town.
By chance we met Pam and Angela who were also waiting for the same bus.

Sarah and I spent most of the day wandering around the shops.. Well actually Sarah looked and bought things and I just followed.. I lost count of the number of shoe stores we went into!. She must have tried on a hundred pairs before finally making a decision. Then she went clothes shopping.. aaarggh!!

I have to go back to the Klinik tomorrow for blood tests.. hopefully they are all good!
I'll keep you posted :)
I'm so tired after todays effort I'm going to spend the rest of the day in our room tomorrow, watch some movies and relax.


Jota said...

yay for shoes! You should take her to China, they have the most awesome shoes and plenty of them, just ask my husband! :) Glad to see you are getting out and about in the sun, looks lovely. Tanya

gollygoshgumgoo said...

Looks like a beautiful place where you are at and you both look relaxed, well and happy!
Good luck with the blood tests!



Anonymous said...

Hi Ron, I have sent several comments but I think they haven't gotten through (dang!). Anyhow, have been keeping up with your progress and think you are definately in the right place. Yr postings are amazing and I think quite inspirational - thanks for sharing everything. Hope you get to enjoy as much as possible. U prob heard Murry and Perrin didn't finsh - but think they had a good time. By 4 now - hope this works this time. Hugs to you both! Catherine

Anonymous said...

Ah! the ever obediant follower - secretly you like going into the shops don't you? I know I do - I get to select new clothes for "Tuesday mid-day Fun"!!!!!!! haha

Anonymous said...

I know this is a bit out of the blue! But looked on old friends and realised what was happening with you.
Must say enjoyed the youtube racing vids - some things never change!
Hang in there, You are certainly in a beautiful spot to get well.