Sunday, August 31, 2008

Two steps forward, One step back

After yesterday's new found energy I really thought I was on the way to leaving this place, all be it for just a week or two. I had contacted a place down the road called the Hotel Oberland and enquired about staying there for the next few weeks. They advertise that they speak English and look like a great place to stay at only 78Euro a day.
Sarah and I got our hopes up and talked about staying there as early as Sunday or Monday.
Being so close to the Klinik means I could still have out-patient treatment and blood testing done without the huge cost of full time care.

I woke this morning not feeling quite as well as I did yesterday. I didn't feel too bad, just a little flat. Biljana took another blood sample and sent it down for testing. Results were WBC 1.6, up 50% on yesterday. Still low, but improving daily which is good.
However platelets have dropped by 50% to just 21. Back to the danger Zone. Obviously Megakarocyte production would appear to have not kicked in yet.

Once my infusions were given this morning, plus the last GCSF injection , I was administered another two units of platelets .
That's six now in total, plus the two units of whole blood. You have to admit they certainly err on the side of caution here at the Klinik.

Once the platelets were all in, we got ready for lunch and were about to head out the door when I decided to check my face in the mirror as I felt an itchy lump on my forehead. There were several large welts on my face and neck. Hard raised welts that were white on the raised section and red around the outside, approx 12mm in diameter.

I checked in at the nurses station on my way to the restaurant and showed them to Dr Glonti, Telling him I was having a histamine reaction. He looked quite concerned and asked me to sit down, before running off out the door in search of drugs. He returned with yet another IV.
Biljana and Francesca both fretted over me, plugging in the IV and telling me that I should tell them next time straight away. I pointed out that I had ! It was only 60 seconds between finding them and having the IV.

We had lunch, I took the IV stand with me into the restaurant. Most patients do.
By the time I returned to my room I could hardly stay awake. I lay down and fell asleep all afternoon. I'm still incredibly drowsy even now five hours later. The day has been a write off.

I got a piece of paper handed to me last night. I translation of a report on further more advanced testing on my bone marrow that was done late this week. It reconfirms that my marrow is totally clear.

I quote: "In the above mentioned case we performed additional immune-histochemical examinations. In the presentation for CD3 and CD79a individual scattered T- and B- lymphocytes without identification of tumorous infiltration are shown."

"In summary it can be stated that after performing the above-mentioned additional immune-histolochemical examinations no indication for a haematological system disease or any marrow-infiltratrating process is given. In particular there is no indication for infiltrates of the known Hodgkin lymphoma."

To the layman it changes nothing, my marrow is clear, we celebrated that last week, However I wanted to put the results of the more advanced test on the record.

Not much more has happened today. It's now just a case of waiting for the bloods to increase and stabilise. Could be days... could be longer.. sigh.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron, spoke to Murray today, they had a close call with a bank and broke the radiator... dang!! Think they have had a good time all the same. The area you are in sounds and looks quite lovely. I hope u get to enjoy it a little. One day at a time... hang in there - seems like things are going well.. realitively speaking! Hope you have rec'd my earlier notes. Take care, hugs to you both, Catherine