Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 14: Hellooo.. Wake up Mr Marrow! It's nearly time to go home.

Oh dear! Still no activity on the bone marrow front.. My counts are worse today than yesterday.
Whites are still .6 but my platelets have dropped to 20. Maybe I was expecting too much, It was day 15 and 16 that things really got going last cycle. Day 16 unfortunately is also the day I fly home. I have a couple of options.. pull the plug tomorrow and rebook my flights if the counts have not improved, or hang out till Monday and hope for a last minute rally. If my marrow recovers exactly as it did last time then Monday will be the big day. My counts on day 16 last cycle were 4.7 WBC and 100 for platelets, easily safe enough for travel.

Dr D and I covered our options at this morning's meeting. I showed him my notebook full of meticulously detailed blood counts for each day of each cycle. ..Was good when he picked it up, studied the figures and concurred that we should see some improvement tomorrow.
He said that the airlines are usually very happy to alter flight plans when they are told by a doctor that a patient would be put at serious risk of infection if they were to fly. The big question is how soon I could get another flight.. I only need one or two extra days.

Treatment-wise, today I've had another two lots of antibiotic IV's, four of the std daily infusions, and two units of platelets. I really cranked up the speed on the drips, and managed to get through all eight by lunchtime. I hate being tied to that IV stand. Darn thing can't even dance very well.

So it's another day stuck in this tiny room unable to leave. I'm not even allowed to walk outside to stretch my legs. Everyone that enters is masked up. I feel like the boy in the bubble! Only I feel completely well, think I look healthy, and am slouching around in jeans and a tee-shirt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ron, Good luck getting your WBC etc in order so you can come home, or if not get another flight at a time the works for you!! Be good to have u back in NZ!! Btw, add garlic oil to yr list with Manuka Honey. WCC AGM went well and we are all hoping you will be at Shelly Bay :-) If you do get away Monday - safe travels!!! Hugs, Catherine