Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 16: Going Home. and the Blog roll-call

Finally, it's time to go home. In four hours time the big yellow taxi comes and takes me away.
This morning my wbc was 4.2 and platelets 50. I've had another granocyte injection and later this afternoon I'll get two final units of platelets. Over the next few days/week my counts should improve naturally as my marrow slowly builds.
I've also been give another IV of antibiotics to get me through the trip home.

It sure has been an incredibly long time here. At first it was an adventure, but after the first cycle was complete it became an ordeal. Everything repeated, and although sometimes it was good to know what I was in for, It didn't necessarily make it any easier.

Looking back over the blog I can see the patterns, some days I was up, other days I was down. Some days I was very critical and on others was very pleased with the treatment. In hindsight perhaps the steroids had a part to play there. No doubt, once I can look back on things with hindsight I may need to do some judicious editing. :)

One of the things I've noticed about other peoples Blogs that have been about cancer or a period of cancer treatment, Is that often they suddenly stop. Nothing more is posted. No PET scan results, no updates as to whether the disease has relapsed or gone into long term remission. This can actually be quite depressing if you happen to stumble upon a blog, get involved in it and then be left with the impression that maybe things didn't work out, or even worse the blog's writer has passed away!

I'll do another post when I get home and settled back in. After that I'll do updates on my state of health as test results etc come in. The first will be in 8-10 weeks time after my PET scan.
Then every 3-6 months after that.

What I have done is set up a mailing list on my server. The idea is that by clicking the link below and sending me an email, you'll be notified when I post an update. Please do this even if I already have your email address as it won't automatically be added to the reminder mailing list.

To be added to that list, please click the email link below and hit send on your email client.
Otherwise just send a blank email to to be added.

>>> Add me to the Blog Roll-call list <<<

Thank you for sharing in my journey, It's been great sharing it with you.

The dozens of emails and comments you have all sent me have been an enormous source of reassurance and comfort and I thank you all very much.


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