Friday, October 19, 2012

I'm now going to ignore...

I'm now going to ignore my blood counts! Well at least stop trying to put any meaning to them.
Today my haemoglobin was 102, only down slightly on the 109 from Wednesday and that's without a transfusion. So who knows?

Platelets hadn't bottomed out completely either.
Lets see if I can get through this long weekend without too much drama :)
Shall pop into the hospital on Sunday and grab a unit of platelets just to be safe.

Codeine worked well on the left flank pain too. Once the pain went the muscle stopped spasming and now doesn't hurt at all.  :)

I'm really hoping for some fine weather this weekend so I can take my Evo 6.5 TME out for a drive.
It's been a couple of months since I last got to have a run in it and since then it's had quite a few improvements made to it.

Last weekend my good friend Michal completely groomed and waxed it for me. It shines like a new penny :)  Last night he sent me a text saying he wanted to put another coat of wax on and would pop over on saturday morning.

He just loves grooming nice cars. (His 1968 Camaro is groomed to show condition.)
That's lucky for me because I couldn't even work the hose these days!  ;)


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