Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cycle Four, Days two & three

Day two was a horrible day. I don't recall becoming so ill so soon in a cycle before. I woke to a body that ached all over and a dry choking cough. Everything hurt, my head my stomach, my muscles and joints.. everything.
I'd even had to take anti nausea medication during the night, something I've rarely ever had to do no matter what chemo I was having.

I just wanted to curl up in bed and stay there all day but I couldn't. I'd booked a couple of wheel alignment jobs for the morning and I just didn't feel it would be fair on the customers if I cancelled them. The two customers had waited over a month for me to work on their cars. I dosed up on paracetamol and ibuprofen and went out to face the day. Luckily both jobs went very well and I was able to return home and curl up on the couch by 1pm.

Today (day three) I'm a lot better, still sick but about what I would expect considering I'm on chemo.
One good thing is that the lump on my jaw appears to be slowly resolving. I thought it was last week but it's hard to tell for sure when it happens so slowly. However today It is definitely smaller, it's that noticeable. The lesion on my left elbow however is exactly the same as it was before my GP cut it out. The same area of skin just refuses to knit. Bugger!  I think I'll leave that one in the hard basket for now.

For the record I thought I'd list the current side effects I'm suffering from during this cycle of Adcetris.
Back pain, cough, diarrhea, dizziness, hair loss, headache, joint pain, loss of appetite, muscle pain and spasms, mild sore throat, weight loss, fever & sweats, nausea, stomach pain, fatigue and tiredness, ringing in ears.

Other than that I'm fine!  ;)

Off to get my eyes tested !  ...Ron

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