Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The third Cycle the first seven days.

It seems to be getting harder with each cycle.
Days 2, 3 & 4 were particularly tough with severe muscle and joint pain. I'm now on day 6 and I've been stricken with abdominal pain and diarrhea since day 4. Whether I've picked up a stomach virus or the toxicity levels are building with each cycle it's hard to say.
The joint pains are now much improved however. This at least puts me in a much better frame of mind, I was starting to feel like I was ninety. Hobbling around the house all stiff and inflexible.

Sarah and I went away for four days last week and stayed at a rented beach house. It was great! So much so that we put a cheeky offer on a little 1880 cottage that was for sale nearby and today our offer was accepted by the seller.That will keep us busy for a while with lots of hunting secondhand shops for period items to decorate it. The actual building and land are immaculate, so there's nothing to do there. (with is nice)
Here's a pic of it below.

At the rear of the cottage there is a  contemporary extension giving plenty of room for the kitchen and a large lounge with doors that open onto a private courtyard. The back lawn is huge at around a 1/4 acre, plenty of space for beach cricket, tents and caravans. The plan is to retire there in the long term and we bought now because property prices are so low, especially for second homes.

Tomorrow I have a bone density scan booked. It will be interesting to see if there has been much change from last year's scan. I hope it's not worse!  My broken ribs have stopped clicking, so hopefully they are once again on the mend. I took the stitches out of my elbow (well actually Sarah did because I don't have three arms) and all looked good until I woke yesterday morning to find I'd left a hand sized pool of blood on the bedsheets.
The wound didn't look like it had opened up to any great extent so I'm hoping that it was just a bit of the top layer of skin that had pulled away after rolling over in bed. I've held it together with stero-strips and a bandage to cushion the elbow. I'm hoping that will do the trick and I won't have a repeat of the non-healing wound from the last biopsy.

There's heaps of work on at the moment. I've been booking it all forward so I can have a few days rest with this upset stomach. The problem with bulldozing it all into the coming weeks is that eventually it will all catch up with me and I'll be super-busy! Hopefully I'll be well though, so it won't be too arduous.


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