Saturday, January 14, 2012

Feeling even better!

Thursday I had my weekly blood test.. haemoglobin had climbed from 102 to 110.
That's the first time I've had a natural increase in my counts in a very long time.
I've been relying on blood transfusions to keep me going and even then the count would range between mid 80's and low 100's (less than 135 is classified as anemic). It looks like my bone marrow has recovered enough to start producing blood again. Thanks to the palliative chemo.

My PICC line was removed last night by the district oncology nurse as it's unlikely I will need it anymore for blood transfusions or chemo. Brentuximab can be administered via a cannula and as the cycle is every three weeks it's not worth keeping the line in. The weekly changing of the dressing and flushing of the line plus having to keep it dry has been a real hassle, I'm glad it's out.

My energy levels are at the best they have been since March/April 2011 before the Nocardia bug really hit me hard.
I've been fit enough to be working both around the house, (I got the weed-eater out believe it or not!) and on cars.
Today I gave my Hiace Van a full service and repaired some things that had needed doing for months.

I've still got this really annoying cough though. It's annoying to both myself and those around me. I'm really hoping that it will vanish when the new treatment starts. It has with previous treatments but then I didn't have BOOP back then so who knows.. (I won't even start on the continuing itch)

I was phoned by Travis (the Blood & Cancer ward registrar) earlier in the week to ask my body weight. Apparently he is now in charge of obtaining/ordering my Brentuximab/Adcetris and not the Doctor in Palmerston North. I have no idea what the situation is. It could be that the first cycle will in fact be done at Wellington hospital and as a result they must get the drug from overseas.I'm sure I'll find out the full story in the next week or so or when someone comes asking for a very large down payment.

For the last twenty or so months I've kept an excel spread-sheet of my general state of health, what drugs I'm taking and body temperature etc. One thing I log occasionally is my impression percentage-wise of how well I feel compared to what I'd expect if I was fit and well (ie 100%). It's the only way of truly knowing where I am at as I'm forever thinking I'm better than I really am and have no way of relating it otherwise.
Last week I considered myself to be at 40% and today I'm feeling 50%. If you think that is low then consider this.. Back in June when I was hospitalised with the life threatening Nocardia infection and pneumonia, I entered a figure of just 2%.

At that time I was too weak to walk, my muscles had atrophied so much my legs looked like bits of string with a knot for the knees!. However on Thursday night I was sitting outside having a quiet drink of low alcohol beer and some snacks with friends when the phone rang. I assumed it was the district nurse with my blood counts so I jumped out of my chair and ran for the phone. It wasn't until I got to the phone I realised that I'd just ran for the first time since April last year! Another milestone :)

OK.. it's getting closer to treatment time, we have aimed for late January and hopefully that's what will happen. However I'll believe it when I see the drug here in NZ. I'll post an update as soon as it arrives.

PS: I'm racing at the Port road street sprint next weekend, I'll let you know how that goes too!  :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you are heading in a more positive direction and things seem to be on the up. Hope things are going well for you and Sarah. I had to laugh the other day as I was moving house and packing up stuff and came across your DVD. Just over a year ago since you guys were married :)