Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Back in hospital..

Over the last couple of days my energy levels had been dropping and dropping.
Not unexpected considering I'm having chemo. However yesterday I just got weaker and weaker.

By evening I found myself unable to move around without feeling faint and dizzy, or even worse I'd start coughing and become anaerobic and completely puffed.. like I'd just run 400M flat out. All this sometimes from just standing up. Not nice.

I was due in the day ward today for a blood transfusion but I knew they'd take one look at me and admit me so Sarah packed an overnight bag for me. Sure enough the nurse took my obs (vital signs) and called the doctor over immediately. He confirmed what we all knew.. I was pretty sick.. low blood pressure, tachycardic, feverish and pale.

Good news is that eight hours later and I'm feeling a lot better. I can move around again and not collapse in a screaming heap.
I should be out of here by the end of the week. I'm not complaining.. I know when I'm sick, and I'm sick. This is the best place to be. Ultimately I'll be fine, of this I'm now sure.

However in the middle of the night last night I was not so sure. I imagined that it would have been very easy to just close me eyes and slip away, that's how weak I was. Beyond fatigue.. almost absolute zero. ..Scary

1 comment:

Nick said...

I hope you get better soon, yo uare the strongest person I know and an inspiration my friend