Friday, August 19, 2011

Xylophone in the rain.

Saw the strangest thing yesterday while driving to hospital.
Walking along in the rain, was a young man of about 19. Cradled in one arm was a wooden xylophone. In his other hand he held a single mallet which he was using to knock out what I can only guess was some sort of melody.

He seemed incredibly happy, despite the weather. The simplicity of this guy was admirable.
No i-pod for him. He bashed out his own tunes in the rain on one of the coldest days of the year and still managed a beaming smile a mile wide. What are we missing?

I had a crappy night's sleep last night, I ran a high fever all night and I'm still trying to break it now. I'm soaked in sweat. The young female doctor who's been over-seeing me now tells me that because of the fever they want to run some tests and another X-ray.
I pointed out that I had an x-ray yesterday and I run a fever every day. That didn't seem to register with her, so now I'm here for at least the rest of the day getting tests done.

You never know I could have relapsed pneumonia, it doesn't hurt to look I guess.
Well too hot and bothered to write any more.. Think I'll stare at the ceiling for a while and try to cool off.

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