Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's been a while..

So I thought I'd better write an update as to my condition.
I'd gotten quite run down and fatigue was a major issue a few weeks back. The slightest exertion would have me puffing and panting and my heart racing. (it still idles at around 115bpm)

Then one Monday about three weeks ago I just seemed to spark-up and each day since then has seen a small improvement in my stamina and energy levels. The Erythromycin certainly seems to be working in allowing me to use a lower dose of prednisone than would otherwise be required to keep my BOOP in check. I would say that I am certainly on the mend from apparent relapse earlier in the year that caused a steady decline in my health from December till mid April.

I had a meeting with my respiratory Doctor last Thursday afternoon. It was the shortest medical appointment I've ever had. I told him what dose I was administering, for how long, and what my view was on the efficacy of the Erythromycin treatment. I had originally been told that they wanted me to be down to 20mg of Pred as of two weeks ago. I disagreed with this and stayed on a higher level until I was satisfied my body had adjusted. I'm only now just reaching the 22.5mg level.

I asked him if he could see any flaws in my reasoning. He said he agreed with what I was doing. He wrote down what I had said, the dosages of the Erythromycin that I had settled on through my own research, closed his folder. Said that they were all watching my case with great interest, shook my hand and we departed. The whole meeting took only a few minutes.

One bit of bad news was my haemoglobin count. Still waaaaay down at 88, it was 96 last time I checked it. I bet if it were in the normal range above 135 I'd be bouncing off the walls!
Have no idea why it's so low, but I'm hoping that it will improve as the chronic BOOP also dissipates.

I'm still being driven nuts by the constant itch. Life would be great if only I could stop scratching! I've tried herbal teas, lotions, potions and pills. Nothing works. I have some spray I've ordered off the Internet arriving next week. I live in hope!

Sarah and I went on a holiday to Takaka last week. We had a great time, it's a lovely place, however the trip was ruined somewhat by my constant need to scratch.

Wainui Falls, Takaka

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