Wednesday, February 2, 2011

BOOP Relapse? and some fun behind the wheel.

I'd mentioned in earlier posts that I believed my BOOP had relapsed. I'd increased my daily dose of Prednisone to 40mg for a week, then 30mg for another week and then down to 20mg which is where I am now.

However I recently noticed that I was feeling more fatigued than usual, was running a low grade fever in the morning and my resting heart rate was a rapid 120 beats per minute, nearly twice the normal rate.

Looks like I should have gone for a higher starting dose last month, 60mg would have been better.
It's a week before I see the respiratory doctor and have another lung function test, so in that time I'll run with the high 60mg dose and see what the lung function tests tell us.

I just can't sit and wait as the longer I leave it the more chance of heart problems and further lung damage.

Oddly enough I feel quite well.

Last weekend I entered the Wallaceville hillclimb in Upper Hutt. It's an event that is primarily run for classic type cars, but they will let anyone enter unless it's a four wheel drive car. This meant I couldn't enter the Evo. I'm told it's because the 4WD's would win and take all the fun out of it for the guys further down the field. Somehow I think the organisers have missed the whole point of building a high powered car capable of winning hillclimbs.. but never mind, it's their event and as such they can make up the rules.

In light of that I was asked by my good friend Alf Hole if I would like to share the driving duties in his little 1973 1200 Datsun. It's got over 400 less horse power than the Evo and was running on some very old and dried out road tyres. It was going to be fun!!

And fun it was! I managed to fling the little Datsun over the 1.5km course in a time that was 3.4 seconds faster than the owner could manage, winning it's class and taking home the trophy for 3rd over-all in the index trophy category. This is worked out by the age of the car, the power and the times posted.
So a really good day's motorsport, great result and a huge amount of fun!!  Roll on next year!
I must say it's a lot less stressful than driving the Evo, where the pressure is on to win outright and the speeds are so much higher.

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