Saturday, November 13, 2010

Duncan McKenzie sealed sprint series in the bag!

I'd pretty much written off any chance of reclaiming the Duncan McKenzie trophy this year as I had missed two of the seven rounds due to the Evo being in the panel shop. However as luck would have it my competition also missed a round or two and also fell outside the points table on a couple of events.

The end result is that after spinning and coming second at Shelly Bay, and then winning at both Port road sprint last month and the Admiral road Hillclimb last weekend, I have now clinched the series for the fifth time, I believe to this be the first time in the fifty or so years the series has been running.
I'm very proud of this achievement and the fact that I'm still able to post very fast times despite the passing of time and a pretty worn out body.  ;)

Here's a link to the Admiral road run down from Motorsport Central .
..and here's the Port road article..

Below is video footage of one of my runs at Admiral road. Pretty darn quick if you ask me!

Health-wise I'm OK..  would be a lot happier if I didn't have itchy skin and a slight ache in my left side pelvis. Both of which unnerve me as they could possibly relate to Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Could also be nothing at all..  I have another CT scan scheduled before Christmas, so that will remove the uncertainty.

Still weening off the prednisone. It gets a lot more difficult at these lower levels. My adrenal glands will have atrophied and my body lets me know pretty quickly if it's missing the cortisol it needs.
Hence I suffer all manner of aches and pains as I lower the dose.  Roll on mid 2012 when I'll finally be off them!!


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