Thursday, September 16, 2010

Results ...

Well after a long three month wait on a knife edge the scan results are finally in.
There's been no change in the 15mm lymph node in my pelvis and some of the other smaller nodes that showed on the previous scan are no longer visible. One in particular near my heart has disappeared.

Compared to his tone of three months ago Dr D'Souza was a lot more positive, I would say cautiously optimistic. He said there's around a 50% chance that the treatment has been successful, which is a lot better than last visit when he was certain I had relapsed and that there were no longer any curative treatment options for me.

This time round there seems to be doors opening up for me in light of the fact that my lungs have improved back to normal and I'm weening off the prednisone. The fact that the 15mm node in my pelvis would have had to have grown at a time when my prednisone dose was at it's highest, but now seems to be being kept in check is another good sign that it's probably not lymphoma.

So the bottom line is it's still a bit of a lottery, but there is no conclusive evidence of relapse.
I do have a problem with a severe back pain, but that may well be muscle weakness due to the steroids and the result being that it allows an old back injury to flare up as it's not being supported by the muscles anymore. The reason for concern by me was because I have always associated my back pain with active lymphoma.  I'm going to start doing exercises to strengthen them. This, if it is successful will give me both peace of mind and fix the pain.

OK.. time for a cautious celebration, Only no wine cause I'm on antibiotics for a chest infection! Bugger!

Big "Thank you" to all of you who have contacted me to wish me well. So pleased we got the result we had been hoping for.

Cheers!  ...Ron


Jota said...


gollygoshgumgoo said...

Ron, that is so fantastic. Have Lynnie living with us at the moment and all three of us are celebrating for you! Baz has ongoing issues with his back so totally sympathises.

Helleluha all right!

Toni, Baz and Lynnie xxx

Edwin and Julie Pibal said...

Ron, that is the best news. Edwin and I are always thinking of you.

Ravn... said...

I am so glad for u...I stubled in to your blog and just wanted to say good luck to u!

Ravn from Norway