Monday, May 10, 2010

A little bit of pain never hurt anyone..

As I sit here typing, I'm in a lot of pain. It's almost certainly a result of my slow weening from prednisone. I've been dropping the dose for the last month by 1.25mg a week. A tiny amount, but it would seem that my body is so used to the higher dose of cortisol that it's kicking up a hell of a fuss.

My lower back is pulsing and twingeing away like crazy, I have pain in my hips, groin and between my shoulder blades. I feel like my spine is made out of a collection of loosely assembled bolts and each one is out of place. I've taken a couple of paracetamol. Hopefully I will gain some relief soon.
Checks temperature... 37.5C  Hmm would like it to be a little lower.. won't worry about that unless it becomes a daily thing, or my cough returns. It really is a delicate balancing act. If I get it wrong and the COP/BOOP returns like it did in Feb, I'll be back to square one. Six months wasted treatment.

I haven't done a lot around the house in the past couple of weeks. There's plenty to do, but no motivation to do it. We are waiting for Code of Compliance to be completed by the council before we plan any more work such as the driveway resealing etc.

Workwise I've got some interesting jobs booked for this week. A 70's Buick in to have the suspension leveled as it sits a little crooked. Then on Wednesday a beautiful Mach1 Mustang, powered by a 390 cubic inch big block engine. That's in for steering repairs and wiring faults.
I've also been asked to do a long term project in a few months time.. a Chevy Blazer that needs to be put back together after ten years in pieces. Could be a big job!!
I have to wonder though, where all this Muscle car work is coming from? Maybe I've earned myself yet another reputation.. old guy.. old cars ;)

The Evo is now back on it's wheels. I spent an afternoon at the panel-beaters reassembling the rear suspension last week. It's now awaiting final panel finishing and undercoating before it's painted.
I'd like to have it back together in time to compete in the next round of the Duncan McKenzie series in late July. Last years poor points tally meant that last week's annual prize giving was the first time I hadn't won the series in four years. A combination of ill health and Targa meant I was not able to compete in several rounds, missing out on the necessary points. However I did come third, so not all bad.

Oddly enough I have the trophy here in my office waiting to present it to Tim Sillay who shares the trophy this year with Webster Gough. It's great to see it go to them both as they really worked hard towards winning the series. Some spectacular drives from both of them by all accounts.

Oh good... the pain is starting to ease :)  Just shows you how slow I type!

Last week I received an email from a Dentist in the UK who had been trying to locate a long lost friend of his. He had typed his friend's name into Google and my blog came up with the name of my respiratory doctor.
After a few emails were sent back and forth, he ascertained that this was indeed his friend from fifteen years ago and they have now reacquainted themselves..  I shall have to be careful in future not to post any scathing comments about the NZ health system.. you never know who is going to be reading them!  ;)

Oh! just got an email from my haematologist! Reads...
Blood counts are still low, platelets 38, been that way for months.. No need for concern.. CD4 counts are now 360 up from the scary AIDS-like figure of 200. I can now stop the weekly antibiotics as opportunist infections are now unlikely!  YAY!!
My T and B lymphocytes are still low but there's just no info out there as to what that means.
"Stay on anti-fungals until steroids have finished"...
Well no bad news there, so that's good.I next see the doctors in a couple of weeks.

OK, pain is almost at a level that I can move around.. so shall go and complete my stock-take of Silicone Hose. Fun, Fun!  :(

Cheers!  ...Ron

1 comment:

gollygoshgumgoo said...

Hi Ron,
T and B lymphocytes are named after Toni and Barry – we discovered that people with low levels of these specific lymphocytes are very very good at flying kites and highly likely to win large amounts of money in the near future. They also happen to be highly intelligent and creative people who are life’s definition of success. Hence we named them after ourselves. So there you go. By the way, people with HIGH levels of T and B lymphocytes are normally idiots who can’t even fly a balloon.