Monday, November 23, 2009

A poke in the lungs with a pointed stick.

I've just returned home from my bronchoscopy procedure.
It wasn't much fun. I was told to have "nil by mouth" from 12pm last night. This I took to mean absolutely nothing by mouth including anything for my fever.
By the time I got to the admissions desk I was a shivering mess. The lady behind the counter had absolutely no record of my appointment and I was not in the surgery schedule for today. Oh hooray!

After a few phone calls someone finally took responsibility for me and I was wheeled off for the procedure. Not before I'd had a coughing fit and thrown up in a paper cup mind you!.
This held up the surgery team for a while as you can imagine they weren't too keen on sticking a camera up my nose and down my throat only to have me vomiting all over their equipment.
Luckily I soon recovered and they got under way.

They didn't find anything obvious today which is a little disappointing, however I was told that they had managed to grow a bug from the sputum sample I had provided last week. Whether that bug is a new one that caused my current chest infection or it's been around for months causing the fevers remains to be seen. I have my doubts.

There were supposed to be more tests today, but it would appear nobody bothered to actually book them. So now I'm to return on Thursday for a lung function test and a meeting with the Doctor that heads the respiratory team. What has happened to the planned CT and advanced blood tests is anyone's guess? I shall have to push them along myself no doubt.

I had a resting heart rate of 147 this morning, that's insane! most people's heart rate wouldn't get that high even during exercise. The sooner they get to the bottom of this the better! I'm sick of being sick!

1 comment:

gollygoshgumgoo said...

It sounds horrendous all right. As if you havent got enought to cope with. Big hugs, Toni