Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's just a scratch... It'll buff out.

The stages today were extremely demanding and tested both the driver and car to the limit.
Based on roads around the Taranaki region we were treated to a mix of high speed open roads, tight twisty country lanes and tortuous hillclimbs.

Stage four was a 41km drive out the republic of Whangamomona that seemed to provide us with a mix of everything. We were really happy with the way the car is now going and decided that on the return trip we'd use high boost and start really posting some good times.
Within just a few short minutes we had already passed another competitor in a Porsche that had started 30 seconds before us.

The Evo was fair flying up the steep hills on the road back to Stratford. Unfortunately as we approached a tight uphill hairpin corner wound out in third gear at 145kph, a front wheel locked as I left-foot braked into the tight turn. This meant I lost all steering and shot straight ahead through the fence. Unfortunately the fence was at the top of a 50metre drop!

Ultimately the reason for the crash was that I came into the corner too hot, a costly mistake.

The car by some miracle dropped off the steep bank and slid and bounced it's way down to the bottom without rolling. Not one of the many officials, farmers, onlookers, ambulance crews (we were fine) or recovery crews could believe that a car could travel so far sideways down a near vertical slope without rolling. I fired up the car and drove it over a goat track through farmland and out out through a gate onto the main road.

As I write this a small team of ants is working through the night to repair the car ready to rejoin Targa in the morning. We drove the car to Wanganui and located a panelbeater who was prepared to help out. Huge thanks to Aaron Larsen of Larsen collision repairs.

Well I'd best get some sleep, huge day tomorrow.


Well, wasn't that an exciting day... We started the day reasonably well, setting respectable times and with a better bed-in of the brakes, the brake shudder was much reduced. We then arrived at Whangamomona. What a fantastic stage! The start began at the base of one of the three saddles and the views were just spectacular. Rolling green hills and smooth winding roads. Amazingly picturesque and I took some snaps to keep in my scrapbook..

The stage started with a twisty uphill and downhill section over the saddle, an opportunity to make the car dance left and right up and down the hill. It then opened up into smooth cambered corners that at times had tricks that could catch one out if they weren't careful. An absolutely stunner of a stage and it had very minimal road notes for a 40km stage making it a scenic trip for the co-driver.

As we approached the final section of the stage, we found a number of cars off the road, including one unfortunate official's beamer that thought its nose was best planted in the bank. Whangamomona township is a quaint little place just before the 'Forgotten Highway' that travels towards Taumaranui. I made a mental note to go back there and tour through the place. Beautiful place to visit for those looking for a drive somewhere.

It's from here on in that things started getting a little more exciting. It's absolutely amazing that we didn't roll on the way down and this saving grace will probably allow us to continue competing tomorrow. Incredible considering the distance that we fell off the road! When people walked up to the edge and looked down, nobody could believe how lucky we were. To be honest, nor could I. I went for the brace position as soon as I knew we were going off and when we got to the bottom I couldn't believe we hadn't rolled.Kudos to the service crew and Larsons Collision Repairs in W(h)anganui who are currently beavering away to allow us to compete tomorrow. Good stuff guys!Pics:



Unknown said...

Wow, sounds like some pretty hair raising stuff! Glad you didn't stack it too badly. Hope today goes better for the two of you!

Darren said...

Glad to hear you guys are okay. That must have been a brown pants moment.

looks like you we very lucky, good to hear it's repairable. I ended up winning port road, only in your absence it seems!.

Good luck with the rest of the rally.


Nick said...

you guys are very lucky, hope the car is ok, I see you guys going ok today (thurs) good luck!