Friday, September 25, 2009

Gosh another week gone by!

To think that this time last year I was posting twice a day from Germany. I'd spend hours writing my posts, because, face it, at the time there wasn't much else to do.
These days I'm flat out balancing my priorities between building a house, earning an income and getting everything ready for Targa.

The engine for the race car is being put back together this weekend and all going well should be back in the car and running by mid next week. The engine required a new crankshaft and some specialised machining work to bring it back from the dead. I'm very grateful for the support of Kerry Lyndsay Engine reconditioning for their machining and supplying the new racing crankshaft, Collier Motor Engineers in Levin for re-balancing the engine internals, and Pete Zivkovic for rebuilding the engine to his exacting standards.

The race tyres arrived this week too. It's like Christmas! Dunlop race tyres have supplied us with one free set of tyres and another at a heavily discounted price. Then Targa organisers sent me a GPS unit to install so they can keep tabs on the car during the rally. We are not allowed to go over 200kph at any time and in the Evo 200K comes up on the speedo very quickly. I've told Victor to punch me on the arm if he see's me going over this speed. Hmm.. on second thoughts being punched on the arm while steering a race car on twisty roads at 200+k's probably isn't a good idea!! ;)

We (the team) are still looking for a couple of big sponsors for the car/entry in Targa. We have secured a full page spread in the official program that is part of next months Classic Car magazine thanks to the generosity of the good people at Parkside Publishing. This ensures exposure to over 200,000 readers. If you want to be a part of this and get your company name out there as well as supporting our campaign and the Cancer Society, please drop me an email before next weeks publishing deadline.

Health-wise I finished my two week course of prednisone earlier this week and my fever returned yesterday.
I'm back to night sweats, fever and chills until I restart on the steroids again the week before Targa. It's amazing though just how quickly I gain fitness and weight when on them. I'm just hoping I can stay relatively well in the interim.


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