Thursday, August 20, 2009

What the Doc thinks..

Actually he doesn't know what to think.. He says I'm a bit of a puzzle. (I've always claimed to be an enigma). I have a CT scan scheduled for Sept 7th, about 2 1/2 weeks from now, so he will take a look at that and see what it shows.

The lump on my neck is not in a good place for a biopsy and although to me it feels the same as all the other lymphomas I've had, he says it doesn't feel like a typical involved lymph node.
I told him that at the end of the day when we look at all the symptoms, there's not much else it can be. To me it's just more of the same; been there, done that. Still kicking so why stress?

He's also very puzzled by the constant fever. That is consistent with Hodgkins but it's never been a symptom for me in the past. He's ordered a number of auto-immune type blood tests to try and get his head around what's happening there. I understand where he's coming from, he needs to be absolutely sure it's a relapse before he can plan any further treatment.

He has agreed with my request to try steroids to reduce the fever, and to that end he has given me a script for 3 months worth. However I'm not allowed to start taking them until after the CT scan, as the steroids will shrink any nodes that are involved and make it harder to get a clear picture on the CT.

On the Dunlop Targa front things are progressing really well. We have come up with a name for the campaign "Targa Life Challenge". We will be using this in all our promotions, website and media releases. We have also had word from the Cancer Society and they are going to suggest to some of the mens magazines that they our run a story. There seems to be so much to do and so little time. Personally I'm leaving all the organising up to Victor. I'll just concentrate on getting myself and the car to the start-line ready to race. :)

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