Monday, August 31, 2009

Rainy Monday Morning

It's bucketing down outside, it's been like it all night. Not exactly a great day for doing anything much more than paperwork.

If I had my way I'd spend the day in bed watching videos, but that little voice inside my head won't let me. (One day I'll find out who he is and give him a darn good talking to!) ;)

Last night as I went to bed I checked my temperature and it was a feverish 38.4, I'd already taken one Nurofen so who knows how high it was before that. I took another. In hindsight I probably should not have. I absolutely soaked the sheets in sweat for the next eight hours. A totally miserable experience on a cold night.

It's still another week before my CT scan, and until I've had it I can't start on the steroids which will reduce my fevers. The small lump on my neck is steadily growing, it's still small, but now it has been joined by several other small nodes. It kinda feels like "tic-tacs" under the skin on my collarbone. There's certainly no doubt that I have relapsed now. I've emailed Dr D'Souza today and suggested that we extend the CT scan to include my neck, he emailed me back and agreed.

I had asked Dr D'Souza when I saw him last, what would be the expected treatment if I had relapsed.
He replied that he would have to take a look at the drugs I've had so far and find a mix that I have not had yet. I'd say that would be something like BEACOPP but then again it contains a couple of the drugs I've already had, so possibly not. Ultimately it means another summer spent with no energy, constant hospital visits and no hair! It's taken me six months to regrow what I have now! ;)

Arrangements for Targa are progressing well, we are still hoping for one or two large corporate sponsors of the race car itself. Donations to the Cancer Society are rolling in and we have been pleasantly surprised at the level of support shown by friends, family and even total strangers.

If you feel that you can help and would like to donate to our cause, 100% of which goes to the Cancer Society, click on the following link.

I can't tell you how much your suppport means to me. To achieve a life goal and at the same time raise money for the cancer society is just awesome.

I picked my Evo race car up from Motorsport House on Friday. It's been on display there for the last couple of months. I was like a little boy on Christmas morning as I sat behind the wheel again and turned the key. It really is an awesome car. I can't wait to let it have it's head and open it up to the maximum 200kph (as limited by Targa regulations) on some of the best roads in the country. (Closed to the public while we are on them)

Victor got his first taste of what he is in for when I picked him up from his place in the Evo on Saturday morning for our photo-shoot. Although when you drive a race car on public roads you almost have to drive slower than the speed limit just to prove you aren't a hoon.
People stare and not everyone loves race cars. Some are just waiting for you to do something that would give them cause to complain.

We met up with Tatiana and her husband Nick and we discussed the new website design over lunch at a cafe in Mana. Tatiana will be designing the site and we needed some pics of the car and Victor and I. To that end we headed out to Greys Road in Pahatanui for the photo-shoot.

I'm not the worlds most photogenic person but we managed to fluke a couple of good shots, and after a bit of touching up in Photoshop I almost look human. :)


Anonymous said...

You always look gorgeous, no air brushing required. ;-)

gollygoshgumgoo said...

Looking good Ron ;-)