Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An experiment

I went and saw my GP this morning. I had a plan. I asked him to prescribe me a one week course of Prednisone. He asked why. I told him that I wanted to see what effect it had on my cough and constant fever.

He said that a lung inflammation wouldn't cause a fever. I told him it would if it were from radiation damage. He shrugged and wrote out the script.
He did throw in his own theory though. That of TB. I had looked at that earlier in the year but not all the symptoms match. However it can't be entirely ruled out, as I never received the TB shot when I was a teenager.

If there is one thing though that has become apparent and that is that my immune system has been completely reset. I've never had a cold sore in my life and yet two weeks ago I was blessed with one on each side of my mouth. Then last week a wart that had laid dormant for the last 25 years suddenly sprang back into life and began growing again.

I'll take the test for TB once I've completed the course of steroids. Can't do both at once as the steroids may effect the outcome.

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