Monday, May 4, 2009

The Big Move

Talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous!
We have moved into an enormous three bedroom house where the lounge alone is bigger than the whole of the tiny one bedroom flat we just moved out of.

I've made the dining room my office, and set up my computers and desk there so that I am close to the lounge and kitchen where we figure we will mostly inhabit.
The master bedroom has a walk in wardrobe that is bigger than the kitchen in the previous place and the en-suite bathroom is as big as the average single bedroom.

Most of the move was done on Saturday with the help of Sarah's family and a few of my friends.
Moving the spa pool took the use of a Hi-ab truck to lift it over the fence from the old flat and into storage in the garage at the new place.

Yesterday was mostly spent unpacking the many boxes of stuff we have had in storage for the last two years and finding homes of all the crap we have managed to collect. Sarah and I figure we must have walked quite a few K's yesterday just moving around the house. Both of us lost our bearings on more than one occasion and ended up in places we hadn't meant to.

Thanks to all the people who helped with the move, I won't list you all in case I forget someone :)

Tomorrow I have a CT scan at the hospital. I should have the results in a couple of weeks.
I still have this cough, it comes and goes. But Sarah has the same cough and so does my brother Mark and my sister Denise. It's just that I'm so paranoid, I can't stop worrying that it's something more. Otherwise I feel good, no other symptoms and I've even been having the occasional beer with no side effects.

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