Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Appointment with the Haematologist

I met with Dr D'Souza this morning and we went through the various possible outcomes of my treatment.
We talked for over forty five minutes, it looked like I was his only patient for the morning due to the mix up with rescheduling of patients appointments.

He commented on how well I looked, three times in fact!
I have a CT scan logged into the system, this should happen within the next two weeks.
From there based on the scan results I will either have a PET scan if there are any signs of further involvement or if the scan is clear I'll have follow-up scans every six months or so from here out.

If I still have areas of involvement and they are outside of the area previously treated with radiation, It is possible that I could have further radiation treatment. If I have areas within the previously treated field then it is unlikely that any treatment could be given that would be effective.
If I relapse after a period of 6 or more months then an allogeneic stem cell transplant might be looked at. In an allogeneic transplant there is an effect known as "graft vs tumour' in which the new immune system attacks the lymphoma and keeps it at bay. This is only an option on slow growing tumours as it can take three or more months for the effect to kick in.

All of the above is really quite academic because I have no intention of relapsing and I'm positive the CT scan will be clear!

The Doctor also mentioned that my chances were greatly improved over what he first expected due to the good response I had to the salvage (IVE) chemo earlier in the year which wiped out all but one small tumour, and that should have melted away with the following high dose chemo.

Still have a niggling cough, will be a _lot_ happier once it goes.

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