Saturday, February 7, 2009

Not long now..

I had my CT scan on Friday, I've lost count of how many I have had now. I think it is at least six. I've had more PET scans than anyone else in NZ, I wonder what the record is for CT? (Who? me competitive?)

The technology seems to improve with every scan. What once took thirty minutes is now done in five. However there was one minor problem.. my veins. Yet again no one could get a line into my non-existent and well hidden veins. In the end a doctor that previously worked in the neonatal ward was located and she was successful in putting the line in the back of my right hand. (A doctor on the cancer ward had failed twice there just recently and the bruising has only just resolved)

The radio-active isotope is injected by a so-called 'power injector' as I lay on the scanning bed. My veins are so small now that I got a painful burning sensation right up my arm as the isotope was injected. I've not experienced that before. There is one odd sensation that the injection gives, and luckily they warn you about before the scan starts. That is a warm sensation in your butt that feels like you've just had an accident! It's just a fleeting sensation lasting about ten seconds.

Monday I have a repeat of the kidney function test that I had about six weeks ago. That involves more injections of isotopes, more scanning and lots of waiting as they take blood samples every hour for five hours to measure the isotope's decay. It's not a fun way to spend your day.
Tuesday I have a meeting with the haematologist to discuss the treatment, and then on Thursday it all starts. I'm hoping for a room by myself again. It's unlikely to happen. Six days in a room with three other patients and an IV pump running 24/7 will be hell. Oh well, grin and bear it. Wait a month and then life will slowly return to normal. That's the plan.

Yesterday we had a family picnic at the Hikoikoi reserve which is a large grassed area at the Hutt River mouth. It's a very well kept secret, very few people know it exists. This is a good thing as we were able to set up the large 'easy-up' marque that I usually use for motorsport, in shady spot. There were no other people in the huge park except us. We had a whole playing field to ourselves to throw frisbees and kick a soccer ball around.
Was a really great day! I was amazed at how well I've been feeling, and managed to run around all day without getting tired.

I hope to be back at this fitness level again in around 4-5 weeks and from there work on getting really fit... back to where I was before all this started six+ years ago. That could take up to a year.. we shall see.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ronsta, just letting you know that I am thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

As are we! Good luck buddy, Toni and Baz