Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's May already!

We have been in the new house for over two and a half months now and there's still heaps to do.
There's been no progress on the courtyard. Like the kids from the Mitre Ten advert... To be honest it's a pretty big job. Might have to get a bloke in to do it. (Mitre Ten advert)

Back when the building platform was being cleared, the digger operator decided we needed a back lawn and piled up all the top soil to form a nice flat area where there was once just a steep slope. Sarah planted some native grasses and flaxs around the edge a few months back and they have taken well. We kind of missed the best time to have sewn it in lawn, which would have been back in September last year. Had we done it then when it was wet for weeks on end, we would have a great lawn by now. But now it's kind of taken off by itself anyway.. half weed and half grass.

We have sewn two huge bags of expensive lawn seed onto it in the last month but the birds keep eating it.
It's hard to get angry at them, as it's kinda nice to have so many birds in your garden. Chasing them away is a waste of time as the cheeky devils sneak back the moment your back is turned. I'm sure by the end of winter we will have something to show for it all.

I've been flat out with work, (eight wheel alignments last week alone) which is great if you want to save up enough money to upgrade your driveway, but not good if you want to get stuff done around the house. It's all a balancing act and I always have the option of saying "no" or booking weeks down the track.
I've been consolidating all my tools, filling in the gaps where some have been lost or broken. I purchased a new roll-cabinet tool box and chest, something I've always wanted. It's amazing how when you collect thirty years worth of accumulated tools into one place how you find you have four or five of some things because you think you've lost them and buy more!

The Evo race car is coming along nicely since being cut in two and rejoined. I was originally a bit upset at the thought that my "mint" original car was having another car's rear end attached to it. But it was discovered by the panel-beaters that the rear had already had massive repairs done to it in an earlier life and that with fitting the complete replacement rear section the car would be better for it.
PPG paints have kindly offered to supply the paint free of charge which is amazing considering I hadn't even asked for sponsorship. A big Thank you to Greg Buckland and the team at PPG for their generosity!

On the health front I'm pretty much stable. I have the odd "off day" from the steroids but nothing too bad.
My weight is now 79kg. A full 14kg's up on my lowest figure from last year. I've bumped into more than a few people of late who have jokingly called me a fat bugger! (at least I think they were joking) so I must be looking a lot better. Sarah seems to think so. She said she doesn't feel scared now that the weight is back on me. I imagine it would have been hard to watch someone you love fading away and not knowing when or if it will stop.

Till next time...  Ron

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