Friday, December 11, 2009

No cough, No fever.

In just seven days I've gone from being a total invalid with a constant choking cough and a fever that ran 24/7 with extreme fatigue that left me hardly able to dress myself, To having no fever, a very mild cough and moderate/high fatigue.

I can now get even get out and about if I take it really easily. I still get really puffed from just walking but it's still a huge improvement.
On Friday I even managed to do some work of sorts. I supervised someone else as they did a wheel alignment for me. It was exhausting just telling them what to do, but it's all steps towards getting well again.

Today Sarah and I visited the new house and while I laid out a plan for the lighting and electrics she put down some lawn seed. We hope to be in the house late January or there abouts. We can hardly wait!

The mild cough I have feels like my lungs are sticky. I probably should avoid dairy products and I'd be fine. My appetite has returned and I'm now snacking non-stop. Great for putting on fat but until I have the energy to exercise it could be a while until I can rebuild lost muscle tone.

Gosh just twelve days till Christmas!! I may even be up to having a beer by then! :)

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