Monday, October 26, 2009

On a day when anything could go wrong...

I'm shattered. I need to sleep and tomorrow is another early start for us.
But I need to just briefly cover the days happenings on the first day of Targa.

My mind is a little too rattled to remember each stage but on nearly everyone we had some sort of problem. We lost all turbo boost on one stage when a hose came loose. We still managed to post a fairly respectable time though. We had endless problems with the brakes shaking at high speed as they were getting so hot. This meant I couldn't brake as late as I wanted to and I approached corners a bit slower than I would have otherwise.'

In another stage I over-revved the engine and a rocker arm came dislodged in the engine, causing a misfire and loss of power. Again we had to tour with greatly reduced power to the finish, however I did maintain a high constant speed where I could so again we posted a respectable time anyway.

I really hate driving on race tracks!! and today we drove four stages on three different race tracks. Most of the week is now back on sealed back country roads. Something I really love. We are thinking it might be a good bet to back off the speed a little for the next couple of days as the car is really taking a pounding and we have not even used the high boost setting!

I have to thank the service crew for a excellent effort. Everything that has broken has been fixed in no time at all. I'm shouting the pizza tonight!

Ok must go eat then sleep!! ...Ron

1 comment:

Flying Datsun said...

Hiya Ron

We're missing you down here, two events, no Ron.

Been watching the stage times as they come through online, you're right up there!

Keep it up, good things come to those who hang in there..
