Friday, September 4, 2009

But weight there's more!

I emailed the Targa organisers earlier in the week to inform them of the correct weight of the race car. I had advised them previously that the factory weight was 1240kg but further research showed that to be wrong and it's actually 1170kg for the lighter rally version I own.

Targa regulations state that they calculate the race weight of an entered car as being the factory curb weight plus 160kg for the driver and co-driver. I was pleased that they accepted my new weight figure as it meant we would not have to carry any ballast to bring us up to minimum weight.

However I got a phone call from Targa HQ in the morning asking if my car ran a restricted turbo charger, which is doesn't. Later that day I got an email from the officials stating that because my car was un-restricted they were adding a 100kg weight penalty to my car. Bugger!

I'll need to bolt in either some lead blocks or some weight lifting bar-bells to the floor of the car. I'll also need to change my spring rates and shock settings to compensate.
Oh well, I do like a challenge. :)

On a more positive note.. I attended the AGM of the Hutt Valley Motorsport Club last night and was pleasantly surprised to be awarded Life Membership in recognition of my 25 years of contribution to the club.

Still lots happening with the Targa preparations. We are in negotiations with sponsors on several fronts. Still waiting for that big sponsor to come on board, but from the ground swell of interest we have generated so far I have a feeling it can't be too far away.


Roger Barnes said...

Hi Ron

I have been asked by an ex-customer of yours if there is alternative the credit card donation for the Targa Life Challenge. I posted a link to you web page on the MMC forums.


Ron Scanlan said...

Hi Roger,yes there is. If people wish to sponsor the car itself then donations can be made into the following account 02-0610-0058277-000 (Total Performance Ltd)